Imagine a group of elementary kids running around, eagerly searching for different shapes and materials like little treasure hunters! That's the excitement that a scavenger hunt can bring to the classroom. With a bit of creativity and planning, teachers can easily organize a scavenger hunt for their students to find objects of different shapes and materials, such as a triangular pencil, a rectangular wooden door or a circular metal can.

Not only will the kids have a blast, but they'll also be learning valuable skills such as problem-solving and teamwork. They'll also improve their observation skills and vocabulary by identifying different shapes and materials.

So, let's get scavenging!

Printable & Activity Objectives

Age: 6 to 9 year olds, Activity Time: 1-2 hours, Items Needed: Writing pencils

In this activity, elementary kids will be searching for various objects that fit the criteria (shapes and materials) on their scavenger hunt list.

It will help your child or student:

  1. Promote physical activity: Scavenger hunts involve physical activity and movement.
  2. Engage in teamwork: Scavenger hunts require collaboration and communication between students, which helps to build teamwork and social skills.
  3. Enhance problem-solving and critical thinking skills: Students must think creatively and critically to find the different shapes and materials on the scavenger hunt list.
  4. Improve observation and vocabulary skills: Scavenger hunts require students to observe and identify different shapes and materials, which can enhance their observation and vocabulary skills.

Let's start!

Classroom Resources

Simple steps to start:

Research and find out more about materials and the physical properties of materials. Here's a good introductory video about "materials":

Suggested Activity Plan:

  1. During the scavenger hunt activity, elementary kids will search for objects (of different shapes and materials) that fit the criteria on their scavenger hunt list.
  2. To play the game, kids typically work in teams or pairs, each receiving a list of shapes and materials to find. They will use their observation skills and knowledge of different shapes and materials to identify and collect the items on their list.
  3. Once they have found all the items, they might return to the classroom or a designated meeting spot to check their list and see which team first found them. Teachers may also use this opportunity to have students share what they found and discuss the different shapes and materials they discovered.
  • Get started on the printable worksheet!

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What's in the Printable Worksheet Pack

This printable pack consists of 2 printables with Shapes and Materials based Scavenger Hunt list for kids. Enjoy and get creative with the scavenger hunt!

Click on the download link below to get started. Please note that this printable pack is only for paid members.

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