We've all played a little Super Mario growing up. The amazing Italian plumber hoping and bopping around an imaginary fantastical world looking to save a princess. Video games have come a long way since. We now have sophisticated 3D games which we can play from our mobile phones. The video game industry, today, is a multi-billion dollar a year industry and does not seem to be slowing.

This creative design challenge is fun printable worksheet set to encourage young children and students to create their own video game.

Let's get started!

Printable & Activity Objectives

Age: 6 to 9 year olds, Activity Time: 2-3 hours, Items Needed: Colouring and writing pencils

In this activity, your child will learn about the history of video games and the basics of designing a game. They will also get to participate in the "world and character" creation of their very own 2D video game on the printables.

It will help your child or student:

  • Learn about the world and character design process of a video game. This involves character development, in-game items, enemies, level bosses and level scene development.
  • Improve his/her artistic and creative skills by designing, colouring and adding different ideas to create their own 2D video game.

Let's start!

Classroom Resources

Simple steps to start:

  • Research and find out about video games. Here's a good introductory video about the history and invention of the video game:

Here's a video about the basics of making an actual video game:

  • Get started on the printable worksheets!

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What's in the Printable Worksheet Pack

This printable pack consists of 3 printable design worksheets for your student or child to dream up and design their own video game.

  • 1 printable background story and character design sheet.
  • 1 printable game items sheet.
  • 1 printable level scene, enemies and boss design sheet.

Click on the download link below to get started. Please note that this printable pack is only for paid members.

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