Christmas is just around the corner. This is the season for celebrating the act of giving. The joy that you give to others is the joy that we receive in turn. Plus... Santa's making a list. He's checking it twice and he's going to find out who's naughty or nice :)

This printable holiday activity encourages giving, acts of kindness and good deeds in children. Let's celebrate this festive period by giving!

Printable & Activity Objectives

Age: 6 to 9 year olds, Activity Time: On-going, Items Needed: Writing pencils

In this activity, your child will learn about creating impact by giving. They will record all their good deeds and collect as many coupons before the end of the holidays.

It will help your child or student:

  • Develop a greater sense of responsibility to others. It's never too early to teach kids about empathy and charity. It will help them develop a healthy sense of compassion for others and a strong charitable disposition.

Let's do good together!

Classroom Resources

Simple steps to start:

  • Research and gather good ideas for acts of kindness and giving. The below is a nice and thoughtful list of 12 things you can start with:
12 acts of kindness to do throughout Christmas
Spread a little positivity this festive season and make a lasting difference to those around you.
  • Get started on the printable worksheets!

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What's in the Printable Worksheet Pack

This printable pack consists of a printable worksheet which contains 6 good deeds coupons. Get creative about different ways to give back.

Print as many as your child needs and print some more for her/him to give to friends. Spread the spirit of giving!

Merry Christmas!

Click on the download link below to get started. Please note that this printable pack is free for subscribers and paid members.

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