Pets are wonderful companions and a source of endless curiosity and joy for many families. This compilation of pet-themed printables aims to bring the excitement of pet animals through creative activities that inspire both learning and imagination.

Whether you're planning a themed week or just want to incorporate a bit of pet-friendly fun into your elementary lessons, these creative activities will make learning wildly exciting!

My First Pet Survey

This activity will help students execute an in-classroom survey to gather information about the types of pets owned by their peers. They will also organise and present the collected survey data.

Canine Fitness Month

Canine fitness refers to the physical activity and exercise dogs need to stay healthy. Just like humans, dogs that lead sedentary lifestyles are at risk of developing health problems such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.

This activity will allow students to explore the different ways to keep our canine friends healthy and fit and also take note of unhealthy symptoms.

Design Your Online Live Fish Store

It seems that we can buy almost anything online these days. Even live aquarium fish are now available for sale online and shipped across the country. How awesome is that?

In this activity, your child will have the opportunity to design key pages of an online store retailing live aquarium fish and supplies.

Design a Robot Dog

Engineers today are trying to make some pretty significant (technological) upgrades to our furry pals. The age of the robotic dog is upon us and companies like Sony and Boston Dynamics have created their own versions of the robotic pet dog and service dog.

This creative printable worksheet activity encourages your child to explore how we can further improve the design of man's best friend... the Robo-Pooch!


We hope these pet-themed activities inspire you to nurture compassion towards animals, love for creativity and learning in your classroom.

Here are other creative pet-related printable activities for your elementary classroom:

Puppy Files: Great Dane - Creative Printable Research Activity for Elementary
In this printable activity, your child will research and learn more about researching specific traits (its incredible size) and needs of the giant dog breed, Great Dane.
Puppy Files: Siberian Husky - Creative Printable Worksheets for Kids
Find out what are the traits and needs of Huskies!
Puppy Files: French Bulldog - Creative Printable Worksheets for Kids
Find out what are the traits and needs of Frenchies!
Pet Files: Guinea Pigs - Creative Printable Activity Sheet for Elementary Kids
Fur-tastic Adventures Await: Discover, Create, and Care with Guinea Pigs