At Piqolokids, we believe that explorative and creative play is the most important, natural and accessible way to promote meaningful experiences in children. Effective activities that support curiosity, exploration, play and creativity do not need to be expensive or technology heavy (technology in moderation is good).

Additionally, nurturing this kind of curiosity for the world around us enables children to lean into uncertainty with a positive attitude. This printable worksheet set is about helping kids share explorative and creative experiences with other kids.

Let the exploration begin!

Printable & Activity Objectives

Age: 6 to 9 year olds, Activity Time: On-going, Items Needed: Writing pencils

In this activity, your child will learn how to start his/her own Young Explorers Club. This will involve recruiting new members, planning and organising group exploration activities and documenting them.

It will help your child or student:

  • Improve their leadership and social skills through active recruitment of club members and management of their needs and concerns.
  • Develop their creativity abilities through planning of fun, playful and interesting activities for the club.
  • Nurturing curiosity for the world around us will enable them to lean into uncertainty with a more positive attitude.
  • Train their spatial awareness through navigating their way around new locations and places of interests.

Let's start exploring and recruiting!

Classroom Resources

Simple steps to start:

  • Research about famous explorers and how the power of their curiosity changed what we know today but also the "very idea of what is possible". Below are some videos which could be interesting to start with:

Here's a video about how three brave women in the past whose immense sense of curiosity persevered over perceived limitations.

Here's a video about how expeditions across different ancient civilisations forged a network roads and maritime routes enabling the sharing of technology, goods and culture across the world. Note: The themes in this video is slightly complex so it's best that you watch it with your child for a more fruitful discussion.

Here's a video of the dramatic and icy race of teams of explorers to be the first people to reach the South Pole.

  • Think about and discuss with you child the types of exploration themes he or she would like to pursue. Here are some options:
  1. Science & Technology
  2. Nature & Wildlife
  3. History & Landmarks
  4. Arts, Culture and Literature
  5. Food & Cooking
  • Get started on the printable worksheets!

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What's in the Printable Worksheet Pack

This printable pack consists of 9 printable worksheets for your kids to start, manage and document their new explorers club.

What's included:

  • 1 new member's form
  • 1 members list
  • 1 exploration activity schedule
  • 2 membership card templates
  • 4 exploration activity worksheets

Click on the download link below to get started. Please note that this printable pack is only for paid members.

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