Do you sometimes feel that your child is struggling to stay focused and organised? Last minute scrambles to complete school projects a common occurrence in your household? Are you always getting blindsided by homework deadlines? Perhaps this is a great set of printables for your family.

As parents, we want to inculcate resilience, the merits of hard work and the importance of taking responsibility of one's self in our kids. Yet, it may not come naturally for some of us. This is where "Kanban" comes in. It is a workflow management system which can trace its roots back to the factory assembly lines of automotive giant Toyota!

At its very essence, it is a visual tool to track tasks and progress. It helps its users get more organise and stay on course. Let's find out how we can help your kid!

Printable & Activity Objectives

Age: 6 to 9 year olds, Activity Time: 1-2 hours, Items Needed: Writing pencils/pens and different coloured Post-it notes.

In this activity, your child will learn how to set up their first Kanban board, determine their tasks (school or housework, or both) and learn how to track their progress.

It will help your child or student:

  • Improve their task management skills i.e. identifying, prioritising and tracking of tasks and setting goals for themselves.
  • Stay mentally more organised and relieve stress and anxiety from being overwhelmed with an ambiguous list of things to do.
  • Improve their work productivity and free up more time for fun things!

Let's get organised!

Classroom Resources

Simple steps to start:

  • Research and find out how Kanban boards are being used all sorts of people including teachers and people working in the high-tech industry. Here is a great practical video of how a Kanban board is used at home.

Here's a video showcasing how programmers and engineers at a top software company use the Kanban method to stay organised. This shows how this is system can be a life skill which can be used throughout your children's lives.

Here's a quick tip - Keep things simple and don't break down tasks into very small sub-tasks. This way you don't get overwhelmed by details and can stay focused on the bigger picture.

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What's in the Printable Worksheet Pack

This printable pack consists of 2 printable Kanban boards and 1 explanation sheet.

Click on the download link below to get started. Please note that this printable pack is only for subscribers and paid members.

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