A bento (弁当) or bento box is an Asian home cooked take-out meal packed in a compartmentalised box to separate out uniquely different dishes which forms a complete meal (usually lunch). Although it's fairly common across most of Asia, it is most prevalent in Japan where mothers make them for children as lunch meals to be taken to school.
This fun creative printable worksheet pack is a tribute to the diverse and compact home-cooked meal packed with love! Let's get to it!
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Printable & Activity Objectives
Age: 6 to 9 year olds, Activity Time: 1-2 hours, Items Needed: Colouring pencils
In this activity, your child will learn about the bento box and the different types of cuisines developed around the uniquely Asian food container over the years. They will also be able to draw their own dream bento box on printables.
It will help your child or student:
Develop an openness to new food and cultures.
Improve his/her artistic and creative skills by creating new combinations of dishes and food for their own bento box.
Let's get started!
Classroom Resources
Simple steps to start:
Research and find out more about the bento box. Here's a short and fun video about the level of effort and craft of making Japanese bento boxes:
Here's another video about a variation of the bento box called the "charaben" which are specialised fun and cute lunch bento boxes made for school children:
Here's another video about a Japanese American woman's childhood memories of her mom's homemade bento boxes and her experience eating them in American schools:
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What's in the Printable Worksheet Pack
This printable pack consists of 1 printable creative design challenge worksheet for your child or student to design and create their own bento box. Challenge them to think about not only what they love to eat but what makes a complete and balanced meal.
Click on the download link below to get started. Please note that this printable pack is only for paid members.
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