Did you know that STEM/STEAM Day falls on November 8th? It's a day to celebrate the importance of helping kids advance in science, technology, engineering, arts and math. It is also a great day to be thankful for all the developments in STEAM that have helped make our lives better.

This creative printable worksheet set encourages your students and children to think about how STEAM impacts and improves their daily lives.

Let's get started!

Printable & Activity Objectives

Age: 6 to 9 year olds, Activity Time: 1-2 hours, Items Needed: Writing pencils

In this activity, your student/child will learn about STEM/STEAM Day and list down how STEAM has helped or impacted their lives.

It will help your child or student:

  • Learn to appreciate the importance of science, technology, engineering, arts and math in their current lives and their future.
  • Learn to observe and be thankful for the contributions of scientists (and artists) who have contributed to the improvements of their everyday lives.

Let's get to it!

Classroom Resources

Simple steps to start:

  • Research and find out more about STEM/STEAM Day. Here's a good video explaining what STEM is and why it is important to have STEM skills:

Here's a great video about the importance of STEM education and how it continues to shape out lives:

  • Get started on the printable worksheets!

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What's in the Printable Worksheet Pack

This printable creative design challenge consists of a printable worksheet for children and students to reflect and write down how science, technology, engineering, arts and math shape their lives.


Click on the download link below to get started. Please note that this printable pack is free for subscribers and paid members.

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