Every family has their own collection of traditional recipes passed down from one generation to the other. Meals that bring back fond memories of family gatherings and special joyful occasions. Unfortunately, not all of these recipes are documented properly and sometimes we lose them along the way.

This fun creative printable worksheet pack is a simple way to start documenting some of the memories and recipes of your family's traditional meals.

Let's get started.

Printable & Activity Objectives

Age: 6 to 9 year olds, Activity Time: 1-2 hours, Items Needed: Colouring and writing pencils

In this activity, your child will learn and start documenting a traditional family meal/dish by asking the 5W's (who, what, where, when and why).

It will help your child or student:

  • Develop a deeper appreciation of their cultural and family background and traditional practices.
  • Learn how to carry out basic research and documentation of historical/past subject matters.

Let's get started!

Classroom Resources

Simple steps to start:

  • Research and get some inspiration about how to document precious family recipes and meals. Here's a great story about how a lady converted her grandma's cookbook into a special heirloom for her extended family:
  • Get started on the printable worksheets!

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What's in the Printable Worksheet Pack

This printable pack consists of 1 printable creative design challenge worksheet for your child or student to document one traditional family meal. Challenge them to not only use their personal recollection but to interview other members of their family.

Click on the download link below to get started. Please note that this printable pack is free for subscribers and paid members.

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