How can you incorporate or integrate art into your lessons? It can be as simple as having students create visual aids to accompany a presentation or encouraging them to use creative writing to remember important information. You can also incorporate art projects to reinforce lessons and allow students to apply what they've learned in a hands-on and creative way.
Not only does art integration make learning more fun and engaging for students, but it also prepares them for the future. In today's world, creativity and innovation are highly valued skills that can lead to success in various fields.
Let's inject some creativity into our classrooms and watch our students rise to new heights of learning! Here are some fun creative printable activity ideas to get you started:
Fabrics of the World: Adire Cloth (PREMIUM)

In this printable activity, your students can colour and design their own version of the Nigerian "Adire" cloth and learn more about the traditional textile-producing culture of the Yobura people.
This printable pack consists of 2 printable Adire cloth design challenges. The first worksheet is a colouring sheet inspired by traditional Adire cloth patterns. The second sheet is a design worksheet for students and kids to apply their own Adire cloth-inspired patterns.
Design Mobile Phone UX (PREMIUM)

Your child will learn about basic mobile user experience design in this activity. They can also design their own mobile phone interfaces and apps in the printable worksheets.
This printable pack consists of 6 printable design worksheets for your student or child to dream up and design their own mobile phone user experience (UX).
My Dream Classroom (PREMIUM)

In this activity, your child have an opportunity to discuss and decide on what the ideal classroom means to them. They can also list what they would love to learn (and create some exciting class passes).
This printable pack consists of 3 printable design worksheets for your student or child to dream up their dream classroom.
Autism Awareness: Every Child is Amazing (PREMIUM)

Did you know that April is Autism Awareness Month? This creative printable activity celebrates the amazing strengths of people living with Autism and hopes to create greater awareness of families and people affected by the disorder.
This printable pack consists of 2 printable colouring worksheets, which contains (1) a puzzle with pieces highlighting some of the many unique strengths of people with Autism and (2) a similar puzzle sheet for your student to colour and write down their own unique strengths.
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If you like our work and appreciate the value of our mission, please support us by subscribing to our premium membership. At only $3 a month, you will gain access to all the premium printable worksheets on our site and help to keep our mission going. Thank you :)
Thank You for Being A Part of Our Growing Community

There is so much kids and teachers do with just the humble use of colouring pencils and paper. We just need to add a pinch of childish creativity and let the kids take it away.
At the heart of our newsletter is a deep commitment to encouraging meaningful and learning in the classroom. Thank you again for being part of our community.
I wish you a creative month ahead!